Recently I've been researching how to parent strong-willed children, because just as I've always feared, I've gotten my comeuppance in Isabel: my tenacious, curious, stubborn, brave little girl. One friend gave good advice. In essence, she said you have to somehow correct the sinfulness, but don't break the strong-willed nature. That's exactly what I hope for. And in perfect time for Mother's Day, I realized that's exactly what my mom did.
Throughout my entire life, somehow my mom (and dad) managed to redirect my strong will to be productive, creative, and eventually, God-honoring. It was a long process and I know I caused her many tears. But in the end, Mom corrected my sinfulness, but never broke my will.
Somehow, Mom managed (and continues to manage) to guide and steer without overrunning and overstepping. I imagine that's a fine line, especially if my mom and I are similar (and we are) and like control.
I feel my words are inadequate to express what I really want to say, but in short, I am so thankful for what my mother has taught me, and recently, what she has taught me about being a mother.
Thanks, Mom. For everything.
This is the first Mother's Day I'm officially a mom. What a blessing indeed.
And on another note, pray for your friends and family members this weekend who are mourning the loss of their moms, are waiting for a child they are afraid may never come, or are grieving the loss of a child. Mother's Day is such a sweet time to remember Mom, but I feel it may be one of the unintentionally cruel holidays as well. Bathe your sisters in prayer.
xoxo, A