I love how adorable he looks as he sleeps in the morning.
I love how he plays with our puppy.
I love that when he wants to show me he loves me, he puts away laundry and lights nice-smelling candles.
I love how he has become so mindful of being a good steward of our money, and how no matter what financial obstacles we encounter, the Lord still gets our firstfruits.
I love that he never complains about my cooking, even when I sneak in turkey bacon.
I love how much he seems to enjoy my baking.
I love his silliness and how I never quite know what he'll do or say next.
I love the feel of his stubble on my chin and my hands.
I love to hate how he just cannot seem to separate his dirty clothes into our three-bin hamper.
I love the little funny laugh sound he makes when he realizes he's being ridiculous.
I love that he can tackle any kind of computer problem and win.
I love how we are on the same wavelength most of the time.
Twelve things I love about my husband-- one thing for each month we've been married.
Twelve months. One year. My goodness, how it flies!! This weekend we celebrate our first anniversary. We're going to spend the weekend in Tampa, and I'm so excited. We just got married and just went on our honeymoon, didn't we? I've truly enjoyed being a newlywed. Even in its challenges, it marriage is a wonderful, God-given gift, and I'm so thankful to have this blessing in my life. It's a blessing I didn't think I'd see for a long time, but God is faithful and his timing is perfect.
And now I have the years before me to enjoy being married to my best friend and the one my soul loves. Oh, we have plans and dreams, but for right now, I'm content to live in our little apartment with our puppy, paying off debt and working in ministry together. What a great first year! Here's to the next 50+!
More anniversary posts to come...
xoxo, A
Love is a Beautiful thing<3