
DIY Friday: Chalkboard-Matted Picture Frames!

Welcome, Friday!  Fridays have been dubbed "DIY Fridays..." with good reason, because here's a DIY!  And I fully realize, I am horrible, because I don't actually have any pictures that I have taken of these projects, etc., and no tutorials.  That will come, folks... that will come.  But for now, here are some simple instructions that will yield fantastic results!

Chalkboard-Matted Picture Frames:

I made a few of these for Christmas presents, and they proved to be hits; they were also very inexpensive.

I think I found some frames on super sale at JoAnn Fabrics, but if you have a Hobby Lobby, Michael's, or really any place that has weekly sales and % off coupons, you can get your hands on nice-looking frames for cheap.  I looked for frames that already had large mats, so there would be room to write in chalk.

You know what works perfectly?  Shop around in June or July when wedding and graduation picture frames go on sale-- they have those huge mats so everyone can sign their names.

Anyway, Get yourself some chalkboard paint.  This is what I bought for my wedding, and it has lasted and lasted and lasted.  And it was cheap to begin with (I got mine at Walmart):

Take apart the frame and simply paint the mat.  You will probably need two coats.  Let it dry completely,then put your picture in, write in chalk on the mat, put the frame together, and your gift is complete!  I don't recommend chalk pens unless you want your message to be permanent.  I've had to paint over chalk pens because they don't wash off.  Use good ol' chalk for your message, and it would be cute to include chalk as part of the gift!

Go too it-- it's the weekend!  DIY yourself silly!

xoxo, A

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