
The Problem With Dr. Oz...

The problem with watching "Dr. Oz" is I end up feeling one of two ways: either really guilty about my habits, or self-diagnosing myself with something horrible.

Yesterday, as I put wedding pictures into the collage of frames on my living room wall, I watched "Dr. Oz" and felt the latter. 

I now have a rational/irrational (yet to be decided) concern that I may have a dairy allergy.  If true, this means I would eliminate a food group filled with my very favorite foods of all time, including but not limited to:

ice cream

Can you see my tears?  I mean, I'm sure I'd feel better and be healthier if I truly had this allergy, but seriously.  Look at that list.  So one of these days, when I'm feeling brave enough, I'll try to eliminate it for a while and see what happens.  But until then, beware of Dr. Oz. 

Just saying.

xoxo, A

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